Yung-Cheng Jay Chiang

Bioengineer from the future / Scientific Meme Enthusiast


Hi! 你好! Bonjour! Guten Tag! I am Jay, a passionate master’s student at EPFL, Switzerland, specializing in Life Sciences Engineering.

Currently, I am working as a research intern at Roche Pharma Research and Early Development (pRED) for establishing advanced in vitro model to better study inflammatory diseases.

Research Interests

My interests revolve around optical microscopy and bioimaging, particularly in the application of real-time biosensing and single-cell analysis. In addition, I am also a fan of organoid culture and engineering, with a focus on the optimization of high-throughput sphere formation and the development of novel organoid culture systems. Given different projects, I manage to work with a variety of bioengineering techniques (both wet and dry lab), including but not limited to 3D cell culture, microfluidics, fluorescence microscopy, and machine-learning-based image analysis.

Recently, I am also exploring immunology, neuroscience, and the latest technologies (i.e., optogenetics, CRISPR screening) in these fields.

I strongly believe that developing new technologies is one of the best ways to facilitate discovery-driven sciences.


  • 2024.04 - Present: Research Intern at Roche pRED, Switzerland
  • 2022.10 - 2024.04: Research Assistant at Prof. Hatice Altug’s Lab, EPFL, Switzerland
  • 2023.09 - 2023.12: Teaching Assistant in Biomedical Optics, EPFL, Switzerland
  • 2020.09 - 2022.07: Research Assistant at Prof. Yanyi Huang’s Lab, Peking University, China
  • 2017.10 - 2018.06: Research Trainee at Prof. Yung-Jen Chuang’s Lab, National Tsinghua University, Taiwan


  • 2022.09 - Present: Master of Science in Life Sciences Engineering, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland
  • 2018.09 - 2022.07: Bachelor of Science in Integrated Sciences, Peking University (PKU), China
  • 2016.09 - 2018.06: High School Diploma, High Achievement in Science, Taichung First Senior High School (TCFSH), Taiwan